Therapeutic Laser Therapy
Specialising in healing through light
Conditions commonly treated with laser therapy
What is therapeutic laser?
Laser therapy employs low power or ‘soft’ light to aid the natural healing process of the body safely and effectively without side effects.
This is an established therapy having been used for over 30 years and is widely available in traditional medical practice and as a complimentary or alternative therapy, for the treatment of chronic and acute pain, wound healing and musculoskeletal conditions.
Low level therapeutic laser is a fast, safe, non-invasive and painless treatment used to assist and speed up the body’s own natural healing and rehabilitation processes to assist healing of tissue, reduce inflammation, decrease pain and enhance the body’s ability to heal, therefore providing a versatile treatment.
How does it work and what to expect?
Laser therapy employs both visible red light and invisible wavelengths to aid the natural healing processes. Essentially by directly treating the damaged tissue with the appropriate light, many positive physiological responses are initiated.
In addition to these localised cellular effects, laser has demonstrated both enhanced levels of endorphin release and suppression of pain messages sent to the brain. The combination provides an excellent therapy for pain relief.
Laser therapy works well in combination with manual therapy techniques.
How many treatments are needed?
Depending upon the condition being treated, treatment time may vary from as little as 15 minutes to 30 minutes, with treatment intervals once or twice weekly, with progressively less treatment required or until condition resolved.
Following a laser therapy session, a significant number of patients note an immediate improvement in their condition.
The more chronic or severe conditions which have been present for a long period of time may take a little longer to respond. In the majority of cases positive improvements are seen in the first few sessions.
There are some conditions that will never be completely resolved but can be dramatically improved and maintained with laser therapy.